Event details
- Saturday | April 22, 2023
- 10:30 AM
- Michillinda Park, 3800 S. Michillinda Dr., Pasadena, CA 91107
家長「網上技能服務訓練 II」結業戶外活動
BCFSAVT II Training Families/S.A. Gathering
日期 : 星期六,Saturday,4/22/2022,
時間: 上午十時半至一時半,10:30 am to 1:30 pm
地點 : Michillinda Park,
3800 S. Michillinda Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91107
*將提供午餐 Lunch will be provided*
敬請回覆 RSVP
我們已把講座的投影片打印成册。 將會在星期六派發給參加以上訓練的家長,及成年參加者,以作參考資料。
請在星期四,4/20/23 前報名 (麻煩您盡速回復此電郵或打電話給聯絡人) ! 我們需要知道每一家庭的參加人數,以便安排食物。
聯繫人 Contact Person: Mei Ye, 電話: (626) 600-6538, 電郵: meicpad@gmail.com
Dear parents and self-advocates,
Thank you for participating in CPAD’s 2nd series of “Technology Training”. This Saturday, the project will be holding a family outdoor gathering for training participants and/or their families.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the completion/participation of the training as well as offer participants and parents/caregivers an opportunity to know and support each other in person.
BCFSAVT II Training Families/S.A. Gathering
DATE : Saturday, 4/22/2022
TIME: 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
Place: Michillinda Park,
3800 S. Michillinda Dr.,
Pasadena, CA 91107
*Lunch will be provided*
S.A.s please RSVP with Cathay Liu
The project team has already printed the workshop PowerPoints into a Handbook, and will be giving them out to training participants next Saturday.
Please RSVP your attendance with Mei Ye before next Thursday, 4/20/23, so that we can coordinate food accordingly.
Contact Person: Mei Ye, Mobile: (626)600-6538 Email: meicpad@gmail.com
Cathay Liu, Mobile (626)560-7556
Directions to Michillinda Park, Pasadena 去 「Michillinda 公園」的路線可以在 S.Michillinda Dr. 路旁泊車,從 S.Michillinda Dr. 公園入口進入公園( 請參看附件地圖)