CPAD Year-End Holiday Party 「辭舊迎新聯歡會」

Event details

  • Sunday | December 3, 2023
  • 1:00 PM
  • FreeRegistration


華裔殘障者家長協會將於12/3/2023(周日)在蒙特利公園市的蘭利老人中心舉辦 CPAD「辭舊迎新聯歡會:

時間:  星期日,12/3/2023,下午 1:00 – 4:00

地點 : Langley Senior Center

400 W Emerson Ave

Monterey Park, CA 91754

午餐:中式餐點, Pizza 及飲品。


收費:成人(非特殊孩子及其兄弟姐妹) — 每人 $5/-

特殊孩子及其兄弟姐妹全 — 

註冊截止日期:  11/27/23 星期一

註冊報名:  請點擊以下連結–

由於活動場地限制,本次活動報名人數僅限150人。 先到先得,以收到餐費支付為準。




網上付款請通過 Zelle 轉款至 626-487-7383(帳戶名:Jenny Chio。 付款時請務必註明特殊孩子的姓名包括 First name 和 Last name,否則無法核對。



已經報名但沒有付款的家庭,如屆時缺席且無提前通知活動聯繫人,將會按照報名人數收取餐費$5/人。 已報名並付款卻缺席且無提前通知活動聯繫人,概不退款。

Jenny Chiu (626) 487-7383

Li Hua Lee (626) 321-5266

Vanda Yung (310) 869-9669

歡迎大家盡快報名參加。 期待與大家共聚!


Hello parents!

The Chinese Parents Association for the Disabled will be hosting the CPAD Year-End Holiday Party on 12/3/2023 (Sunday):


Time: Sunday, 12/3/2023, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Langley Senior Center            400 W Emerson Ave., Monterey Park, CA 91754
Lunch: Chinese meals, pizza and drinks.
Program:  Excellent variety program: performances, games, draws, etc.
Fees:  Adults (non-special needs children and their siblings) – $5/- per person

Children with special needs and their siblings – FREE

Registration Deadline:  Monday 11/27/23

Please register early, by clicking the link below:

Due to venue restrictions, the number of registrations for this event is limited to 150 people. First come, first served, subject to receipt of meal payment.

Payment methods:

Please make payment online, via Zelle to 626-487-7383 (Account Name: Jenny Chio).

When paying, please be sure to indicate the name of the special child, including First name and Last name, so that we can confirm your registration & payment.

**Those who pay online before 11/27/2023 can receive raffle gifts.
**Those who pay online after 11/27/2023 or pay in cash on the event day will not have the opportunity to receive raffle gifts.

Special Notes:

Please arrive on time at 1:00 pm. 
Families that have registered but have not paid, if they are absent and do not notify the event contact person in advance, will be charged $5/person for meals based on the number of people who registered. No refunds will be given if you have registered and paid but are absent and do not notify the event contact in advance.

Event contact persons:

Jenny Chiu (626) 487-7383

Li Hua Lee (626) 321-5266

Vanda Yung (310) 869-9669

Please register early for this festive event.  Looking forward to celebrating with you all!


CPAD Board

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