Event details
- Saturday | March 23, 2024
- 2:00 PM
- FreeRegistration
华裔残障者家长协会橙县分会CPAD OC将举办医疗方面的讲座。详情如下:
1,讲座嘉宾:Kien An Duong, M.D. 家庭医生/内科医生
4, 主题:残疾人士的父母的自我护理策略
本次讲座为英文讲座,我们的家长Dr. Yan Li将会为大家提供中文翻译。
欢迎大家参加!请点击链接报名参加讲座。 您将会在递交报名表格以后收到邮件通知, 里面将会有本次zoom会议的链接。 如果您在安装或使用zoom时需要技术支持,请与家长义工Fan Wang(微信号:derek0906588)联系。
Hello, parents!
The Chinese Parents Association for Disabled Individuals (CPAD) OC chapter in Orange County will be hosting a training conference.
Here are the details:
* Guest Speaker: Dr. Kien An Duong, M.D. Internal Medicine Specialist
* Date: March 23, 2024
* Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
* Format: Online seminar
* Topic: Self Care Strategies for Parents of Children with Disabilities
Dr. Duong is an English speaker. Our parent Dr. Yan Li will be the interpreter.
You are all invited to attend! Please click on the provided link to register for the seminar. After submitting the registration form, you will receive an email notification containing the Zoom meeting link for the conference. If you need technical support with installing or using Zoom, please contact the parent volunteer, Fan Wang on WeChat (ID: derek0906588).