CPAD Saturday Social Zoom Class

Event details

  • June 22, 2024
  • 2:00 PM
  • FreeRegistration
Dear All,
The year-long social recreation program was successful with special thanks for the participation of everyone involved. We thank the support of volunteers as well as the financial support of the Eastern Los           Angeles Regional Center.  As our social and interpersonal skills improve, we will try five interactive online lessons starting April 13, 2024. Those who are interested in attending the online activities should click the  registration link and will receive a Zoom link for the class.
為期一年的社交娛樂活動取得成功特別感謝所有參與者、志工者的支持、以及東洛杉磯區中心的財政資源,隨著我們的人際交往能力的提高,我們將從2024年4月13日星期六開始嘗試五堂互動在線課程,有興趣參加在線活動的人請按下註冊連結,並將收到該課程的Zha Zoom連結。
Please read the below message from Tzu Chi Youth Association for this Saturday 4/24/2024 program Zoom meeting information:
Class Time                  上 課時段 每個月第二和第四個星期六 Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of Month
2:00 pm – 2:05 pm 問候/聊天 Greeting/Chatting
2:06 pm – 2:20 pm 運動 Exercise
2:21 pm – 3:00 pm
社交活動- 慈少                 術、手語
Social Activities– Tzu Shao Art project, sign language
Li Lee 
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