初級技能訓練 2

親愛的家長們: CPAD的 “初級技能訓練 2”,將在線上Zoom, 由Cal State LA的Carl博士講課(全程中文翻譯): 使用服務網站上的語言和翻譯功能 查找來自服務提供商的電郵 歸類管理各類電子郵件 時間:22年9月10日 週六 上午10點~12點 請預先註冊該會議: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvcOqgqzkvG9dJ1Qve0xYkHL-gRKaILjrM 註冊后您將收到一封確認電子郵件,其中包含加入該會議的資訊。

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Transitioning To Employment ( 過渡到就業 )

親愛的家長們: CPAD和Fiesta共同舉辦的“多元文化活動” – 「過渡到就業」Multicultural event 將於8月20日下午在線上舉行,敬邀家長和子女參加這個盛會!註冊請掃碼以上通知裡的二維碼,活動有各族裔(華、西、越、日等)文化交流展示,還有抽獎,綱上遊戲等豐富有趣的內容! 以上「多元化活動」可點擊此連接註冊報名:https://bit.ly/3z38E8K  

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Supplemental Security Income (SSI)and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) (by CPAD OC)

华裔残障者家长协会橙县分会CPAD-OC将08/20/2022周六下午2:00-4:00举办线上讲座,我们邀请了Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy (OCRA )介绍与Supplemental Security Income (SSI)/Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) 相关的内容。欢迎各位家长前来参加! Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy (OCRA) is part of Disability Rights California. OCRA has a Clients’ Rights Advocate (CRA) at each regional center. The CRA helps protect regional center consumer’s rights. OCRA is funded by...

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Beginning In Person Technical Training

Dear Parents, 2022年8月20日 週六 上午10點至12點 CPAD 舉辦的: 初級技能訓練  Beginning Tech Training  現場教學 詳情請參閱同附上的傳單 名額有限,請先與 Mei 報名,電話 626-600-6538

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Support Group Monthly Meeting (Topic: Benefits for Disabled Adult Child)

  親愛的家長: 本月的家長互助會,將由DRC的資深律師為我們講解Benefits for Disabled Adult Child (DAC) 「成年殘障子女的福利」- 當父母領取SSA退休金時,如何保障成年子女的福利 時間: 6月21日 週二下午 一點至兩點半 June 21, 2022, Tuesday, 1pm-2:30pm 提供中文翻譯,請提前注冊報名: https://us06web.zoom.us/…/tZYuf…

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Virtual Social – Saturday Activities/Classes

Instructor: Tzu Shao Youth Volunteer Group CPAD’s programs are supported by volunteers. It is complimentary. Everyone is encouraged to join us. Please register or contact lihlee01@gmail.com to request the zoom class meeting link. Li Hee Volunteer Program Coordinator Mobile (626) 321-5266

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Annual Chinese New Year Party

Hello, dear members and parents! The headquarters of the Chinese Parents Association for the Disabled (CPAD) and the Orange County Chapter (CPAD-OC) will jointly celebrate Lunar New Year online on Saturday 02/19/2022 at 2:00pm-3:45pm. The party will be held via a zoom meeting. If you register before 5:00pm 02/14/2022, you...

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CPAD Chinese New Year Greeting Card Art Contest

CPAD 2022 中國新年藝術大賽 Design Content 設計內容: CPAD’s 2022 Chinese New Year Greeting Card CPAD 新春賀年卡 (For card Size: 5” x 7”) Winners 得獎者: 1st Prize 第一名: $100 e-gift card (網上禮品券) 2nd Prize 第二名: $50 e-gift card (網上禮品券) Winning design will be used for CPAD’s e-greetings and/or printed Chinese NY greeting...

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Chinese Parent Support Group Zoom Workshop: (Topic: “Medicare” )

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: CPAD Chinese Parents Support Group Workshop CPAD家長互助會 講座 — “Medicare” . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. CPAD家長互助會 講座 Chinese Parent Support Group Workshop — Topic: “Medicare” Speaker: Maria Fernando Iriarte Associate Managing Attorney Disability Rights...

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SAGE Holiday Celebration

Please learn more about Chinese SAGE (Self-Adocacy Group Empowered). Dress warmly, holiday sweaters “White Elephant Gift Exchange” Bright a $10-15 gift Games$Food Contact Info: Cathay Liu (626) 560-7556 Amy Hao (626) 236-6607

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